Quit Setting Your Money On Fire

  • 4 Reasons To Consider A 15-Year Mortgage For Your First Home Purchase

    22 October 2018

    If you are shopping for your first home, you may be thinking about the financing terms for a 30-year mortgage. How large of a down payment will you make and what type of interest will you be able to get? You may not have thought about a 15-year mortgage. This is normal. After all, for most people, 30-year financing is synonymous with a mortgage. But there are a few significant advantages to a 15-year mortgage.

  • Getting A Mortgage Online: Why Is It Better Than Brick-And-Mortar?

    8 August 2018

    When was the last time you walked into a physical bank? Many people have moved all of their banking services to the internet, both to reduce costs and for convenience. A mortgage doesn't have to be any different. You can apply for mortgages online rather than going into a brick-and-mortar bank chain. Here are some of the advantages of online mortgage services. You Have More Loans to Choose From You can apply for dozens of mortgage loans online at the same time that it would take to apply for a single loan in person.

  • Here Is What To Consider Before Filing For Bankruptcy

    8 May 2018

    If you're going through a challenging time in regards to your personal finances, you may be looking for the best solution. Many individuals and couples consider filing for bankruptcy when they can no longer keep up with their bills and past debts. This can be a way to get rid of some of your debts and get a fresh start, and it may be an idea worth exploring. You want to make sure that you carefully consider this option and are prepared for the bankruptcy process.

  • 3 Things To Keep In Mind Before Filing Chapter 7 As A Sole Proprietor

    15 February 2018

    For individuals and small businesses facing an unmanageable amount of debt that is impossible to pay off, filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be the most rational solution. When you file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, many of your debts are eliminated, giving you a bit of a financial clean slate and more breathing room to pay your bills each month. As a sole proprietor, you are self-employed and do not have a legally incorporated business.